Day of Remembrance 2020

On February 23, BMUC is observing the annual Day of Remembrance of Executive Order 9066, which resulted in the incarceration of west-coast Japanese (aliens) and Japanese-Americans during World War II.

There will be an exhibit of memorabilia in the social hall. Former internees will be available to talk about their experiences and answer questions. It is important to remember this injustice so it will never be repeated.

How Do You Like Your Spam Musubi?

By Rev. Craig

Stories about spam musubi are prevalent all over the internet with various people claiming ownership, but according to Hawaiian food historian Arnold Hiura, spam musubi is an invention out of necessity that began in the internment camps.  Indeed, many adapted “cuisines” were introduced at camp – shoyu weenies (still one of my favorites my own dad used to make), weenie royale, and spam musubi to name a few.  With so little fish or other protein available, internees made do with what was available.  

We enjoy these today with our own homemade spin!  So, on February 23rd following our service we will have a spam musubi tasting and anyone is invited to participate.  We will have a panel sample each one and vote for both Best Tasting Spam Musubi and Most Creative Use of Spam.  The only criteria is your creation must have spam, rice, and seaweed and in the shape of either nigiri sushi or roll sushi.  Whatever else you combine with those ingredients is up to you!  Please let me know if you plan to participate and plan to bring 5 or more musubi sliced into 4 to 5 portions each.  

We hope to honor the creativity and resourcefulness of those who endured the camps as well as reflect on all they had to give up and the injustice of their captivity.  Please join us and participate in the tasting!