Holy Week at BMUC

Due to the novel corona virus, events are to be determined. We will send you updates as they become available

PALM SUNDAY, April 5, 2020 10:30

GOOD FRIDAY Friday, April 10, 2020 7pm by Men’s Group. Please carpool for those who don’t drive at night.

EASTER Sunday, April 12, 2020

8:30-10am EASTER BREAKFAST – Come start your Easter with a yummy breakfast and fellowship, and help support the Youth and Church Retreat Funds with optional freewill donation.

FLOWERING OF THE CROSS:  Bring a flower or several to remind you of loved ones, and help to “flower” our cross.

10:30 a.m. WORSHIP & Young People’s Message,  Easter Egg Hunt for the kids

There is no assigned crew for Easter refreshments, so we request for people to bring some kind of finger food to share, if possible. Thanks for being the church!