Pathways to Faith Small Groups

Looking for Faith Discussion Groups?


We invite you to join us on the greatest adventure of your life—exploring the pathways to Knowing, Loving and Serving God—as together we strive to become a community of deeply committed people of faith. Sometimes getting started can be intimidating, and we are here to help guide you as you begin (or continue) discovering the many pathways that lead us to deepen our faith. We believe there are three important aspects of this pathway:
Knowing God means becoming theologically informed: growing in insight and understanding as continual students of our faith.
Loving God includes being spiritually transformed: opening ourselves to being changed from the inside-out by God’s love.
Serving God is about making a difference: living out our faith daily in the world through our words and actions.
We seek to make disciples for the transformation of the world by knowing, loving, serving God.

Where Do I Start? Choose a Pathways to Faith group. EVERYONE IS WELCOME; homework NOT NECESSARY. Come when you can – even if you miss sessions, you will be able to participate fully!


Women’s Faith Group – ON PAUSE. 

Men’s Group –
meets irregularly, contact Greg Suzuki for more info.

Please feel free to come even if you have never attended one of these studies. Everyone is welcome!

logoIntroduction to the UMC – for longtime members or new visitors, this 4-session study will focus on what it means to be a United Methodist – distinctive practices and beliefs. These sessions will be offered depending on interest. Contact church office if you would like to attend